The last and most challenging mission, head to Iwo Jima destroy the AA wait, then destroy the 30 tanks, protect the Marine truck destroy the guard towers, the bunkers, the barriers, after that destroy the gate destroy sme bunkers when they procced in foot destroy some little bricks and be aware for infantry, after they climb to the top you need 3 bombs of 1000lbs to destroy each part, after destroying the Fortrees you.

After smoking the bunkers destroy the hangars and secondary the planes. You MUST use B25G Mitchell and fly low on 10 bunkers while smoking bunkers destroy the Naval Guns you see to let the landing craft not take damage. You start defending the USS Saratoga after destroying all the bombers head to Iwo Jima and start destroying every plane on the ground, after that destroy power,hangars,fuel tanks to complete the mission. Shun Ogawa realy knows to pilot the Shinden and the last Ace to use missiles the 1st (strangely) being Kazuya. P215-01 (only if completed the campaign in order in Ace) If the players beats him, you earn Shun Ogawa plane and the "nemesis" of the Bearcat (due to its barely same stadstics of the 2nd version of the Bearcat) The Following planes can be unlocked (so far know because i dont remember so much). In witch Crowe figths against Shun Ogawa saying insults as: "Oh so the Americans know to figth?".

Iwo Jima is the home airfield of Shun Ogawa leader of the 13th Squadron.

Iwo Jima is the last and hardest campaign in Heroes of the Pacfic and the campaign of plane unlock P215-01 in Ace which is TOP SECRET due that it was on depolment and the Extreme Iwo Jima Challenge (E.I.J.C.) this to complete the campaign needs some of the most requiered planes to complete the Campaign in Ace.